This is a book to be used, and used often. It can be used in school, in Sunday school, in church and chapel services. It can be read to children and read by the children themselves. It can be used as a starting point for a lesson or discussion or research. It can be used, story-by-story, in religious services.
It can be used as the reader wishes, but please note that the verse, prayer and discussion suggestions are important. The verses should be explained and possibly placed in their Biblical context. The prayers could be part of a daily act of worship, as could the points for discussion. They could also initiate further points of discussion in the classroom.
Each story lists two or three concepts which arise in the story itself. These could be used as headings for a sequence of lessons or as themes for religious services.
It is an English adaptation of the Welsh book AM BOBL by Huw John Hughes.
Mae’r llyfr hwn yn cynnwys hanesion 100 o bobl enwog lle wnaeth ffydd chwarae rhan bwysig yn eu stori. Mae’n addasiad Saesneg o’r gyfrol Gymraeg AM BOBL gan Huw John Hughes.
Amazing Lives (PDF)
This history is an attempt to chronicle the life of an institution which was at the heart of religious education in Wales for much of its existence to date. The Christian Education Movement Wales was born at a time of great innovation and expansion within school education nationally. These innovative concepts were contained within CEMW for many years until they were transported beyond it during its latter years as the Religious Education Movement Wales. It is a testimony to the integrity of the Movement that this 40-year long transition was made without a constant identity struggle which could have destroyed its cohesion.
Generations of children and young people, as well as their teachers, benefitted from the Movement’s services, innovations and advocacy on their behalf. CEMW and REMW were there when it mattered as a specialist non-statutory agency which merited respect within school, church, training institution and government circles.
Encouraging Religion (PDF)
Bwriad y gyfrol hon yw adrodd hanes bywyd mudiad sydd wedi bod wrth galon addysg grefyddol yng Nghymru am y rhan fwyaf o’i oes hyd heddiw. Daeth Mudiad Addysg Gristnogol Cymru (MAGC) i fod ar adeg o newid ac ehangu yn y byd addysg mewn ysgolion ledled Cymru.
Roedd addysg grefyddol ei hun yng nghanol chwyldro araf wrth i syniadau newydd am ddelfryd aml-ffydd, heb ei lesteirio gan hollbresenoldeb lledsefydledig Cristnogaeth, ddechrau magu gwreiddiau. Cafodd y cysyniadau newydd hyn eu cynnwys o fewn Mudiad Addysg Gristnogol Cymru am flynyddoedd lawer cyn iddynt gael eu cludo’r tu hwnt i hynny yn ei flynyddoedd diweddar fel Mudiad Addysg Grefyddol Cymru. Mae’r ffaith fod y trawsnewid hwn wedi digwydd o fewn y mudiad dros gyfnod o 40 mlynedd heb frwydr barhaus ynghylch ei hunaniaeth – brwydr a allai fod wedi dinistrio’r hyn oedd yn ei ddal at ei gilydd – yn dysteb i gadernid a chywirdeb y mudiad.
Mae cenedlaethau o blant a phobl ifainc, yn ogystal â’u hathrawon, wedi elwa o wasanaethau’r mudiad, ei gynlluniau blaengar a’i eiriolaeth ar eu rhan. Roedd Mudiad Addysg Gristnogol Cymru a Mudiad Addysg Grefyddol Cymru yn bodoli pan oedd hynny’n bwysig, yn asiantaeth arbenigol, anstatudol, a hawliai barch o fewn ysgolion, eglwysi, sefydliadau hyfforddi ac yng nghylchoedd y llywodraeth.
Hyrwyddo Crefydd (PDF)